A multitalented, Versatile and energetic performer Preeti Sharma has started performing from 2015, she has travelled widely all across the India for many performances at many prestigious stages. Her journey was started from Gandharva Mahavidalaya, Mandi House, Delhi in 2013. Where she learned under the kind guidance of Guru Monisa Nayak ji. After Post Graduating in kathak from Gandharava Mahavidalaya, She later started honing her skills under the renowned Guru Shri Harish Gangani ji and currently improving her skills under Guru Shri Sanjeet Gangani ji.
Preeti Sharma has also done Prabhakar in Kathak from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad. She is also evolving her skills by helping to young students through her videos and blogs on various social media platforms. She is the founder & Director of Kathak Vidya Kendra where she is spreading the kathak dance providing the online classes in many countries like US, UK, Dubai, South Africa, East Africa, and many more. Also providing the offline classes on national level.